Batch - B Practical Test Question

Batch - B Practical Test Question
Batch - B Practical Test Question

IMP Questions

IMP Question for Data Structure

Basic of Data Structure

1) List out the areas where Data Structure is used extensively. [2 marks]

2) Write algorithm of factorial using recursion and iteration. 
   Discuss which is better and why? [6 marks]

3) State different types of Data Structures [2 marks]

4) List and explain all primitive and non-primitive data types. [7 marks]

5) Define Data Structure and differentiate between linear and nonlinear data structures.[3 marks]

6) Explain Sequential file organizations and list its advantages and disadvantages. [3 marks]

Linked List

1) In which situation linked list data structure is used? 
   What are the disadvantages of linked list data structure? 
   Compare Array with Linked List. [5 marks]

2) Describe briefly Circular Linked List and a typical Node Structure used for it. 
   Write the pseudo code of an Algorithm to Delete a Node from Circular Linked List whose address is specified. [7 marks]

3) State advantages of Doubly linked list over linear linked list [2 marks]

4) Write algorithms for inserting and deleting an element from a Circular queue. [7 marks]

5) What is Doubly Linked List? Describe typical node structure used for it. 
   Write an algorithm to Insert a node in Doubly Linked List. [7 marks]

6) Show linked list representation of polynomial. [4 marks]


1) Differentiate between Stack and Queue [3 marks]

2) Discuss the various applications of stack. [3 marks]

3) Give an example of linked implementation of stack. [ 7 marks]

4) Write a pseudocode for PUSH and POP operations of stack. [4 marks]

5) Write a C program to reverse a string using stack. [7 marks]

6) Evaluate the following postfix expression in tabular form showing stack after every step.
   7 6 + 4 * 4 10 + - 5 + [7 marks]

7) Convert the following expression to postfix expression.
   ((7-2)*4+(6/2^1*9)) [4 marks]


1) Differentiate between Stack and Queue [3 marks]

2) Write the algorithm for insertion and deletion of node in linked representation of Queue and Explain the benefits of linked representation against array representation of Queue. Specify two applications of queue. [7 marks]

3) Explain working of doubly ended queue with example [7 marks]

4) Illustrate the working of priority queue with suitable example. [4 marks]
