Batch - B Practical Test Question

Batch - B Practical Test Question
Batch - B Practical Test Question

Practical List

Suggested List of Experiments / Practicals: 

1. Implementations of Linked Lists menu driven program. 

2. Implementation of different operations on linked list – copy, concatenate, split, reverse, count no. of nodes etc. 

3. Representation of Sparse matrix using multilinked structure. Implementation of sparse matrix multiplication. 

4. Implementation of polynomials operations (addition, subtraction) using Linked List. 

5. Implementations of Linked Lists menu driven program (stack and queue).

6. Implementations of Double ended queue using Linked Lists. 

7. Implementation of Priority queue program using Linked List.

8. Implementations of stack menu driven program.

9. Implementation of multitask in one array. 

10. Implementations of Infix to Postfix Transformation and its evaluation program. 

11. Implementations of Infix to Prefix Transformation and its evaluation program. 

12. Simulation of recursion.

13. Implementations of circular queue menu driven program.

14. Implementations of double ended queue menu driven program.

15. Implementations of queue menu driven program.

16. Implementation of Priority queue program using array. 

17. Implementation of Johnson Algorithm.

18. Implementation of Simulation Problem.

19. Implementations of Binary Tree menu driven program.

20. Implementation of Binary Tree Traversal program. 

21. Implementation of construction of expression tree using postfix expression. 

22. Implementations of Huffman code construction.

23. Implementations of BST program.

24. Implementation of various operations on tree like – copying tree, mirroring a tree. 

25. counting the number of nodes in the tree, counting only leaf nodes in the tree. 

26. Implementations of B-tree menu driven program.

27. Implementations of B+ tree program.

28. Implementation of Preorder traversal of a threaded binary tree. 

29. Implementations of AVL Tree menu driven program.

30. Implementations of Shell sort, Radix sort and Insertion sort menu driven program.

31. Implementations of Quick Sort, Merge sort and Heap Sort menu driven program.

32. Implementations of searching methods (Index Sequential, Interpolation Search) menu driven program.

33. Implementation of hashing functions with different collision resolution techniques.

34. Implementations of Graph menu driven program (DFS & BSF) 
